About us
LB Computer CAD Care Is an innovative initiative, an original idea, "outside the box", field placement and support for dedicated computer environments and CAD based computer arrays. We provide professional solutions for our customers both in counseling, support, placement and integration.
The range of services we provide include: surveys and compliance tests, test performance (per computer), writing and design work programs, installation of hardware and software, computer maintenance services, implementation of new technologies as needed, guidance and training to work correctly.
Our specialty is in the area of computer system matching goals and supportive environment ministry has designated, infrastructure, communications, software, Internet, and more ...
Our experience is the result of 20 years of work in advanced science-tech industries, security companies and projects in the field of transport, based in adapting computer systems dedicated for special missions and challenging projects.
The range of solutions including hardware maintenance, communications, computers, servers, CAD Management, establishment of dedicated computing systems, integration of new technologies (IOT), solutions "outside the box" to maintain a competitive advantage and maintenance.
Solutions we provide guarantee to provide complete solutions to meet the goals of IT value and goals of the firm as well as CAD infrastructure.
We are going to high professional standards in terms of quality, human relations and specialized knowledge, reliable and very wide.
We have MCSE, CCNA, AES accreditation as well as others.